Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Next Hash #87 - Saturday 17th December

HO HO HO!!! Christmas HAsh is here!!!

Next saturday we will have the Christmas Hash, fot this time we have some new "rules":

Instead of paying the $3.000 you have to bring a gift worth that ( nice or naughty)  and you have to introduce a new song or get a down down, ( go to the site to find new songs, if you don't know the tune, who cares!!!  just use one you know!!)

NAME: Christmas Hash
DATE: December 17th
TIME: 4pm
Hosts: Alejandro & Prune
Hares: Prune +   ???? 
PLACE: Presidente Errázuria 8136, Peñalolén
COST: $3.000 
AFTER: BBQ bring meat salad, drinks, sunscreen, hat, water, (it's summer) 
SURGERENCIA PARA TORQUE ESPECIAL DE NAVIDAD:   Quizás algunas decoraciones, ir disfrazados de viejos pascueros o reno, lo importante que todos tengamos el toque navideño mientras corremos, si se mos acurre algo más avisamos.
There is a BBQ, pool, no curfew at night so we can light a fire and stay late!

I forgot to mention that the gift MUST BE WRAPPED!!!

to the south by Tobalaba, then turn left by Los Presidentes (bencinera Petrobrass- Jumbo) , goes up hills untill you find "Consistorial", turn left  by consistorial, one block to the north and next to the Lider supermarket you´ll find calle El Solar , so you turn left by El Solar and the first street at right hand is Pasaje Presidente Errázuriz.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

This Weeks Hash #86 - Saturday 3rd December

DATE: December 3rd
TIME: 3pm ( you can be there at noon but the hash will start at 3pm)
Hosts: Thong and Turn me on
COST: $3.000 plus $5.000 for the day
AFTER: BBQ bring meat salad, drinks, sunscreen, hat, water, it's summer you know 
HOW TO GET THERE:  Take the bus  to Isla Negra at Terminal de Buses Santiago or Tur Bus. Get off in Av. Central in Isla Negra, the cabañas are about 1 block from the bus stop.. THERE ISN'T A HASH BUS THIS TIME SO EITHER YOU TAKE THE TUR BUS OR DRIVE.
For more information: