Monday, 19 December 2011

Next Hash - #88 Saturday 7th January 2012

Dearly beloved hashers:
The time has come for the end of the world, so is mandatory to remember our best hashers, harriettes and horrors, the ones that have passed and are already gone, so lets take a minute of silence to... yeah right!!! :)

The end of the world is here!!!! and we have a great hash planned to celebrate and the perfect excuse to drink drink drink!! so don't miss the "End of the world Hash" at Casa roja!!! We need you to rsvp so we can advice Casa Roja how many people we're having so please do to  

NAME: The End of the World Hash
DATE: January 7th
TIME: 5pm
Hosts: Finger in the Dyke
Hares: Finger in the Dyke and Don't Go Down There
PLACE: CASA ROJA   Agustinias 2113, Barrio Brasil
COST: $3.000 
AFTER: BBQ bring meat,  salad to share, drinks to be brought from Casa Roja
BRING:  Sunscreen, hats, water, swim suit, towels, football, "toys", music, a new hash song for the circle!!

So see you all there and please rsvp!!! 
Standby for all the details in the New Year!

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Next Hash #87 - Saturday 17th December

HO HO HO!!! Christmas HAsh is here!!!

Next saturday we will have the Christmas Hash, fot this time we have some new "rules":

Instead of paying the $3.000 you have to bring a gift worth that ( nice or naughty)  and you have to introduce a new song or get a down down, ( go to the site to find new songs, if you don't know the tune, who cares!!!  just use one you know!!)

NAME: Christmas Hash
DATE: December 17th
TIME: 4pm
Hosts: Alejandro & Prune
Hares: Prune +   ???? 
PLACE: Presidente Errázuria 8136, Peñalolén
COST: $3.000 
AFTER: BBQ bring meat salad, drinks, sunscreen, hat, water, (it's summer) 
SURGERENCIA PARA TORQUE ESPECIAL DE NAVIDAD:   Quizás algunas decoraciones, ir disfrazados de viejos pascueros o reno, lo importante que todos tengamos el toque navideño mientras corremos, si se mos acurre algo más avisamos.
There is a BBQ, pool, no curfew at night so we can light a fire and stay late!

I forgot to mention that the gift MUST BE WRAPPED!!!

to the south by Tobalaba, then turn left by Los Presidentes (bencinera Petrobrass- Jumbo) , goes up hills untill you find "Consistorial", turn left  by consistorial, one block to the north and next to the Lider supermarket you´ll find calle El Solar , so you turn left by El Solar and the first street at right hand is Pasaje Presidente Errázuriz.