Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Next Hash #96 - Sunday 15th April 2012

Name:   #96   Casa Marin Wine Harvest Hash!
Location:  Casa Marin Winery, Camino Lo Abarca, San Antonio Valley (4km from the Pacific Ocean!) http://www.casamarin.cl/eng/app/home.php?tp=1
Transport: We are organising a bus. See details below.  Bus leaving Unimarc Escuela Militar at 11:00 am and departing from Casa Marin at 20:00 pm.
Time:  1:00 pm    Date:  Sunday April 15th
Host:  Hannes Herber, Finger in the Dyke
Hares:  Finger in the Dyke and Canuck Puck
Cost:    -3,000 pesos for the Hash
           -3,000 pesos for a mouthwatering BBQ ribs.  Bring a salad or something to share!
           -7,000 pesos for the bus
           -10,000 pesos for each bottle of souvenir stomped-with-your-own-feet wine to be delivered in December (This is Optional). 
                Casa Marin wine sells for much more than 10 luca in Unimarc, so it is a) a good deal and b) a great wine !!!
             -Sorry but no freebies for Vrigins or others this Hash!

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Next Hash #95 - Saturday 31st March 2012

Name:   #95   Santiago Pre-Marathon  Hash!
Location:  kick-off at Manquehue Metro and the after at 222 Av. Magdalena at Pdte Riesco (from 1630)
Metro: Manquehue
Time:  3pm
Date:  Saturday 31st March
Host:  Bun Bandit
Hares:  Bun Bandit and Sewage
Cost:  3000 pesos
Bring:   Probably stuff for BBQ, meat, salad etc and carbs for the big run the next day...(for those inclined)  
OK don't forget to save your pennies for the big Grape Stomping Casa Marin Wine hash on 15th April (that is a sunday folks...).