Monday, 16 April 2012

Next Hash #97 - Saturday 28th April 2012

Name: #97   End of Daylight Saving Hash!
Location:  Blanco Encalada  1771, Near Arsenales de Guerra  (red fort)
Metro: Toesca  (Line 2)
Time: 3:00 pm 
Date: Saturday  April 28th
Host: Acting Seaman & Mariarchi Mansturbator
Hares: Acting Semen &  ????
Cost: -3,000 pesos for the Hash
Bring:   Salad and something to cook on the BBQ

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Next Hash #96 - Sunday 15th April 2012

Name:   #96   Casa Marin Wine Harvest Hash!
Location:  Casa Marin Winery, Camino Lo Abarca, San Antonio Valley (4km from the Pacific Ocean!)
Transport: We are organising a bus. See details below.  Bus leaving Unimarc Escuela Militar at 11:00 am and departing from Casa Marin at 20:00 pm.
Time:  1:00 pm    Date:  Sunday April 15th
Host:  Hannes Herber, Finger in the Dyke
Hares:  Finger in the Dyke and Canuck Puck
Cost:    -3,000 pesos for the Hash
           -3,000 pesos for a mouthwatering BBQ ribs.  Bring a salad or something to share!
           -7,000 pesos for the bus
           -10,000 pesos for each bottle of souvenir stomped-with-your-own-feet wine to be delivered in December (This is Optional). 
                Casa Marin wine sells for much more than 10 luca in Unimarc, so it is a) a good deal and b) a great wine !!!
             -Sorry but no freebies for Vrigins or others this Hash!