Sunday, 16 December 2012

Next Hash #114 Saturday 22nd December

NAME: #114 - Christmas Hash
HOST : Prune and Spank my Schnitzel
HARES: Prune and Turtle Head
TIME : running starts at 4pm.
ADDRESS: Calle tres (sometimes called "maiten y piedra"), parcela 72, Santa Sofía de lo Cañas, La Florida. map attached.
BBQ : yes! and fogata too!
Cost : 3 luca for the hash
Metro : see direction below (if anybody wants to join up and travel together, post on the meetup site or facebook to co-ordinate)

How to get there by car?

Take Tobalaba to the south until it ends, turn left by lo cañas (cross the channel San Carlos), then turn right by El Hualle (one long block), turn left by Avenida central (long street up hills), one small block after a second channel turn left by Bailahuén norte, at the end of the street you´ll find the guards and you´ll have to tell them that you are going to parcela 72 Maritza Díaz.
Turn right (up hills), on block later turn left and in the end of the road turn right, continue straight, up hills, you will cross a estuary (there is a speed bump or badén) , after this estuary you have to see the parcelas atright hand only(if you see the left hand you´ll get confuse), aprox. the 5th parcela (plot) is number 72.

How to get there by colectivo? - Two options.

Take metro línea 4 and get off in Vicuña Mackenna station, go by Julio Vildosola street (next to Tottus supermarket) go straight untill you find a traffic light (avenida Walker martínez), turn right, about 100 metres you´ll find the colectivos 3027 a Santa Sofía de lo cañas, parcela 72, cost $1.800 per person (or thereabouts...)

Take metro línea 5 and get off in Bellavista de La Florida station, walk down the south by Vicuña Mackenna street, cross avda Américo Vespucio and you will find a church (San Vicente de Paul), about 100 metres to the left of the church in avenida Walker Martínez you´ll find the colectivos 3027 a Santa Sofía de lo cañas, parcela 72. cost $1800 per person (mas o menos)

Monday, 10 December 2012

Hash Trash #113

Circle Up! Hash #113 drank up on a rooftop in Centro. 

For what is probably the first time in SHHH history, the trail earned a positive rating and the hares escaped the shame of drinking down downs to the “Shitty Trail” song. Don’t worry, they still had to chug a down down, it just was to a different tune.

But even with an expertly marked trail, complete with heart chalk drawings, the runners skipped half their route because “they didn’t see the flour and HUGE arrows” pointing through the park. Note: If the walkers, who lose the trail 9 out of 10 hashes, return to the circle without any mishaps and the runners “get lost,” that’s called “short cutting.” Bastards!

Speaking of bastards, Daniel No Name, who was ordained Moon Job at this Hash #113, is also the new Front Running Bastard. Carissa No Name was also ordained. She shall now be called KY Not.
Carissa No Name is now KY Not.
Daniel No Name is now Moon Job. 
French Polisher starred as the Grand Master as the Hash circled up on a rooftop in Centro, which provided spectacular views of the Andes and Santiago city skyline at sunset. It was a relief when the sun went down for many of the wankers who don’t know what sunscreen is and left the barbecue looking like roasted tomatoes.

Public Health Announcement: Chile has no OOoooo-zone layer, so lather up with that creamy white goo you like so much for the upcoming summer hashes. On on!

To download the PDF of Hash Trash, which features more pictures, info for upcoming hashes and new Hash songs to learn, click here.