Monday, 21 January 2013

Next Hash #117 - Saturday 2nd February

HASH # 177
DATE:   Saturday 2nd February 2013
TIME:  4pm
PLACE:  Blanco Encalada 1771, across the street from the castle
METRO:  Toesca
HOST:  Acting Seman and Mariachi Mansterbator
HARES:  Moonjob and Bone-her-parts
COST:  $3000
AFTER:  Asado on the roof, fantastic view of the city and cool sea breeze!   Bring your own cutlery, drinks, salad and meet to share.

Monday, 7 January 2013

Hash Trash #115

If this year’s first hash is any indication, 2013 might be the best year yet.
A polar bear swim, beach side beer stop, naming ritual, frozen ass and plenty of
other debauchery set the bar high for the upcoming year of SHH shenanigans.

Click here to download a PDF of Hash Trash, complete with many photos, information for the upcoming hash and singing lessons. On on!