Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Hash 148 – The Fine Whiners

Hash 148 – The Fine Whiners


It has been some time since this epic event took place, but the story bears telling. After some 5 weeks, your trusty RA having just made bailrecovered from the fraternizing, might have been be recounting the event as unfaithfully as possible, but alas, motivation and memory failed, so these few pictures will be what remains...
Serious wine connoisseurs always prepare their palate en route while reflecting on the terroir of the tasting to come... and use at lest three French words per sentence...
We definitely picked some grapes... We're pretty sure they were for wine. We're totally sure that our technique was unbeatable!
Then we tasted the wine we made... or maybe it was another wine - but it was really good. Notes all over the place!
Chupe de mariscos, fish with sausage in it.. This is the high-end stuff. Some were disappointed to see hashers behaving in such a civil manner.
Some hashers are pretty sure they made new friends
Then everybody derided this guy and poured beer on him. It was very puerile! I have no idea what was happening.
As we left, we saw where new hashers are spawned...

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Hash 149: The YO MOMMA Hash!

Mother's Day approaches! Honor her: bring a dish of hers to share, wear her clothes, get knocked up! //
Dia de la Madre esta cerca! Honra tu mama: llevas un plato de ella, ponte la ropa de tu mama, y preñate!

HOSTS: Jesus Comes Twice y EnzoNoName
HARES: Arquisexual Dance Whore and Last to Cum
HORA: 14:00 (2PM)
METRO: Santa Isabel
LLEVAS: plato para compartir, ropas para después del círculo, crema del sol

Recuerdas: Proxima hash es nuestra sesquicentennial (150°) en el centro! 

On on!