Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Hash #157 - The Tikki Tikki Tee Hash!

What: It's a Hash!
When: Saturday Sep 13 at 2pm
Where:  'Lady' Prune's Fabulous Country Estate

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Hash #156 - The Hills are Alive with the Sounds of Hashers!

As the icy flows beat a hasty retreat in the face of an advancing Spring, the Hash moves to a higher plane. This installment of the Santiago Hash is not going to be the usual champagne and caviar affair that favors slumming it in the little black cocktail-dress and last year's Louboutins, no.

To mark the end of August and a big sigh of relief for Santiaguinos especially (CTM! Pasámos Agosto) let's have a little challenge. It's one of those strolls that's not quite leisurely, but where everyone will make an effort to not look winded, because, you know, we're infantile that way. Nevertheless, small children, the elderly, and the severely hung-over will suffer on this ascent, since it's an average grade of better than 25%, gaining 660m in the space of 2200m walking distance. let's have a walk in the park, followed by singing, a little beer, some delicious animal flesh, and a general clearing of the lungs, while taking in the view from a sporty 1600m.

This hash is going to be so strict, Maria von Trapp would have approved:

  1. BRING HIKING SHOES, water, and sun-screen. We WILL really discourage you from going up without hiking shoes or cross-trainers - tread is a very handy thing, esp. coming back down in a controlled manner. Skin cancer, dehydration, and the latest fad in orthopaedic surgery are on you. Don't be this guy:
  2. You MUST sign up / pay by midnight Thursday August 28 (because we must know in advance how many to shop for...)
  3. To make up for all these annoying rules, we'll be supplying the food as well as the beer, the cheer, the vistas and the shitty trail.
  • When: Saturday, August 30, 11am (31st anniversary of Pres. Carter getting attacked by a rabbit while canoeing in GA)
  • Where: Meet at Plaza San Enrique (a short bus ride away from Metro Los Dominicos: )
    How much: pre-pay $10.000 to join (food & drink included)
    To pay: see details on our Facebook page.
Your friendly local GM,
Multiple Entry
On on!