Tuesday 5 February 2013

Goundhoggin it.


Those were the primary complaints at this Saturday's Ground Hog Day Hash.  But if that's all you hear a Hasher complain about, it truly is a good day of Hashing.

We met at Acting Seaman and Mariachi Mansterbator's rooftop quincho in the centro and got off to a late start, (as is tradition).  Heat, hangovers, a shirtless front-running bastard...who knows what kept leading the Hashers astray?  The runners ran twice the necessary distance trying to track down the trail, while the walkers yet again missed a scrumptious beer stop.  Which was perfectly positioned across the street from a children's park, so as to make us look sketchy as hell.

A great view of Shayna's ass is definitely worth celebrating.

Back at the circle, so many down-downs were taken that we ran out of beer!   It was a long circle.

and a wide circle

sweet alcoholic nectar

The most interested they have ever been in anything ever.

Historically, Hashers have excelled at posing seductively on accident.

There were copious tongue-lashings from the Religious Adviser because so many people were talking in the circle...



Much of the circle was spent naming a few 5th time Hashers, including Sebastian Rojas, now known as Energizer Boy Scout...

"You must be THIS TALL to ride me."

Dawn Rojas, to be now and forever called Spitz Don't Swallow...

Like Shakira under a waterfall.

...and finally Erica Soto received the name Cafe con Cock.  Welcome to the Hash fam you three!

She actually brought a shower cap!  Inventive, but futile.

Then, the asado.  Meeeaaaatttttt...

Ray spent a lot of time on his knees heating things up.

And OF COURSE the last stop was Flannery's Irish Pub for some karaoke.  If you haven't come to Flannery's after a Hash yet, you're missing out.  Just saying.

This really IS the most interested Mark has ever been in anything ever.

karaoke bliss

Kevin calls this face: "karaoke up the butt"

The next Hash will be the Red Dress Hash!  Come wearing your slinkiest red cocktail dress!  Or perhaps your most elegant red ballgown.  Or your red miniskirt.  Whatever red sexiness you clothe yourself in, remember to bring your running shoes.  On On!

On Also...if you have pics that are just. too. good...send them to be included here!

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Low Hanging Fruit

With overripe apricots plopping suggestively onto our heads, and grapes swinging in and around our faces, this Saturday's 116th Hash could not have received a more appropriate name than "Low Hanging Fruit".  Bi-Weekly Deposit's Nunoa home provided the perfect patio for a rather large turnout.  The Hash was definitely a fun one, full to the brim with debauchery, injury, crap, crêpes, down-downs and bottoms up.

Bi-Weekly Deposit and Easy As 1-2-3 hared the trail, leading our motley crew through the sweltering streets of Santiago on a very short summer run (sans beer stop).  In true, confused Hasher fashion, many of the group ran straight past Raul's house on the return.  Some Hashers missed the run completely and showed up late!  For SHAME.

The telltale sign of a lost Hasher: poo.

French Polisher stepped in as the Grand Master and Canuck Puck led the religious activities in fine form.  The circle was short and sticky sweet, to be highlighted here...

As it was his 50th Hash, Canuck Puck joined The Order of the Purple Pukus.

No stranger to wet head.

Sir Ladybug and Easy As 1-2-3 had to shoot the boot when it was discovered that they were wearing new shoes...

foot fetish?

Shayna and Maria Virginia were anointed with beer and flour upon receiving their official Hash names, as is tradition.

One works for the Turkish embassy, one has the last name "Dickstein". Just...sooooo many good names during that brainstorming session.

I present to you Gobbler and Bone Her Parts

Welcome to the most dysfunctional of families, ladies.

This guy.

Self-proclaimed "Rico Suave" takes a down-down...and spills all over himself. 

These people.

"we pick things up and put them down"

A super soaker!

seriously, best idea ever

And ohh baby, those down-downs.

During the post-Hash asado, many a Hasher made new friends.

Old faces.  New faces.   And...that creepy face Raul's making.

Easily the highlight of the post-Hash debauchery was when Lick'n'Learn took a rather spectacular fall down an ascending escalator in the Santiago Metro.  Have you ever seen a dead curled up spider?  Our brave teacher drew a striking comparison, face down and bloody as the stairs slowly, and conveniently, moved her back toward the place she started.  Nobody had the wherewithal to take out a camera, so I took some artistic liberty.

I don't feel guilty because she is probably ok.

I think we can all agree, except maybe Caitlin, that it was a great Hash.  Can't wait for the next.  On on my loves!

PS. Thanks to Full Service (our Hash Flash) and Sir Ladybug for these pics.  If YOU have juicy photos from a Hash, email or post to the SHHH facebook page to be included in these updates!

PPS.  And for fuck's sake, pull out a camera if you see someone tumble down an escalator.

Monday 21 January 2013

Next Hash #117 - Saturday 2nd February

HASH # 177
DATE:   Saturday 2nd February 2013
TIME:  4pm
PLACE:  Blanco Encalada 1771, across the street from the castle
METRO:  Toesca
HOST:  Acting Seman and Mariachi Mansterbator
HARES:  Moonjob and Bone-her-parts
COST:  $3000
AFTER:  Asado on the roof, fantastic view of the city and cool sea breeze!   Bring your own cutlery, drinks, salad and meet to share.

Monday 7 January 2013

Hash Trash #115

If this year’s first hash is any indication, 2013 might be the best year yet.
A polar bear swim, beach side beer stop, naming ritual, frozen ass and plenty of
other debauchery set the bar high for the upcoming year of SHH shenanigans.

Click here to download a PDF of Hash Trash, complete with many photos, information for the upcoming hash and singing lessons. On on!

Friday 28 December 2012

Next Hash #115 - Saturday 5th Jan 2013

There will be a Polar Bear Swim at this hash to bring in the New Year, so be prepared (clothes that can get wet, a change, a towel etc...)
NAME: #115 - El Quisco Summer Splashdown, Polar Bear Swim!
DATE: Saturday 5th January
HOST : Sump Pump, Sewage.
HARES: Sump Pump and associates..
TIME : run starts 4pm at El Quisco  (1pm bus leaving Santiago, returning by 11pm)
Casa Dos Perros Locos, 1459 Calle Penagris, El Quisco
METRO: Escuela Militar.... bus leaving from Unimarc near this metro
COST: 3.000 pesos for the run + 12000 pesos if taking the bus
BBQ : Bring something to cook on the BBQ and a salad or dessert to share
PARKING: street parking available in El Quisco.
We are organizing a bus from Santiago  (leaving from Escuela Militar metro) but need people to sign up and pay so we can make a booking.   Special Mystery Surprise  on the bus for those that sign up!  Pre-payment only as need to confirm numbers and make the reservation by Wednesday 2nd January
Cost: $12000 per person for the bus, and the usual 3 luca for the run.  You are of course welcome to make your own transit arrangements to El Quisco if you wish!
Or make a Transfer to Sump Pump: (details on Meetup or emails)

Sunday 16 December 2012

Next Hash #114 Saturday 22nd December

NAME: #114 - Christmas Hash
HOST : Prune and Spank my Schnitzel
HARES: Prune and Turtle Head
TIME : running starts at 4pm.
ADDRESS: Calle tres (sometimes called "maiten y piedra"), parcela 72, Santa Sofía de lo Cañas, La Florida. map attached.
BBQ : yes! and fogata too!
Cost : 3 luca for the hash
Metro : see direction below (if anybody wants to join up and travel together, post on the meetup site or facebook to co-ordinate)

How to get there by car?

Take Tobalaba to the south until it ends, turn left by lo cañas (cross the channel San Carlos), then turn right by El Hualle (one long block), turn left by Avenida central (long street up hills), one small block after a second channel turn left by Bailahuén norte, at the end of the street you´ll find the guards and you´ll have to tell them that you are going to parcela 72 Maritza Díaz.
Turn right (up hills), on block later turn left and in the end of the road turn right, continue straight, up hills, you will cross a estuary (there is a speed bump or badén) , after this estuary you have to see the parcelas atright hand only(if you see the left hand you´ll get confuse), aprox. the 5th parcela (plot) is number 72.

How to get there by colectivo? - Two options.

Take metro línea 4 and get off in Vicuña Mackenna station, go by Julio Vildosola street (next to Tottus supermarket) go straight untill you find a traffic light (avenida Walker martínez), turn right, about 100 metres you´ll find the colectivos 3027 a Santa Sofía de lo cañas, parcela 72, cost $1.800 per person (or thereabouts...)

Take metro línea 5 and get off in Bellavista de La Florida station, walk down the south by Vicuña Mackenna street, cross avda Américo Vespucio and you will find a church (San Vicente de Paul), about 100 metres to the left of the church in avenida Walker Martínez you´ll find the colectivos 3027 a Santa Sofía de lo cañas, parcela 72. cost $1800 per person (mas o menos)

Monday 10 December 2012

Hash Trash #113

Circle Up! Hash #113 drank up on a rooftop in Centro. 

For what is probably the first time in SHHH history, the trail earned a positive rating and the hares escaped the shame of drinking down downs to the “Shitty Trail” song. Don’t worry, they still had to chug a down down, it just was to a different tune.

But even with an expertly marked trail, complete with heart chalk drawings, the runners skipped half their route because “they didn’t see the flour and HUGE arrows” pointing through the park. Note: If the walkers, who lose the trail 9 out of 10 hashes, return to the circle without any mishaps and the runners “get lost,” that’s called “short cutting.” Bastards!

Speaking of bastards, Daniel No Name, who was ordained Moon Job at this Hash #113, is also the new Front Running Bastard. Carissa No Name was also ordained. She shall now be called KY Not.
Carissa No Name is now KY Not.
Daniel No Name is now Moon Job. 
French Polisher starred as the Grand Master as the Hash circled up on a rooftop in Centro, which provided spectacular views of the Andes and Santiago city skyline at sunset. It was a relief when the sun went down for many of the wankers who don’t know what sunscreen is and left the barbecue looking like roasted tomatoes.

Public Health Announcement: Chile has no OOoooo-zone layer, so lather up with that creamy white goo you like so much for the upcoming summer hashes. On on!

To download the PDF of Hash Trash, which features more pictures, info for upcoming hashes and new Hash songs to learn, click here.

Monday 26 November 2012

Gobble Gobble

Hello again Hashers!  What fun we had this past Saturday at Hash #112, festively dubbed "The Gobble Gobble Hash", hosted in Lo Barnachea at the beautiful home of Molposition, Chilepollagol, Beercrawler and Topless Tinkerbell.

the family that drinks together stays together

It was hot.  SUPER hot.  We could have scrapped the dashes of flour and put down uncooked Pillsbury biscuits instead - they would have baked in that sun.  And we wouldn't have been able to eat them because it was TOO FUCKING HOT for biscuits (and it's gross to eat ground-biscuits anyway).

It's either a turkey or someone's hand met an untimely end in a 1920's style gang shooting.
Despite the heat, the trail was a nice one.  Cumming Up For Air led us along the dusty streets, through a surprise parade,

over a footbridge, along the river,

past some horses,

tee hee!  that tickles. 
downhill, uphill,

and finally to a beer stop!  How long has it been since we've had a beer stop?!  And at a really cool bar, at that.  There were hundreds of old books strapped to the walls and old candles forming some impressive wax-drip sculptures.  All the kinds of things you'd want to be looking at while getting drunk on gigantic schops of beer.

beer time, time for beer.

The walkers got a bit lost, "as per usual" according to Sir Ladybug.  Tough day to get lost - they missed the beer stop completely.

We all managed to meet back up at the house on time to start our circle.  There were three namings to take care of: Michael, Meghann and Raul.
  • Michael was affectionately named "Texas BJ Assacre", an homage to his Texan roots and love of oral sex.
  • Miss Meghann was baptised "Long Hornstar", also a reference to Texas, but mostly a nod to her sexy sexy bod.
  • Raul let slip that he works for a bank.  A respectable career, but not if you're taking "Bi-Weekly Deposit"
Apparently the beer and sun hit us all hard, because we were merrier than usual in our post-circle asado.  Chilepollagol manned the grill to produce plate after plate of mouth-watering meat.  We caroused until the sun went down, and then hopped into our cabs and buses and autos back to Santiago...to Flannery's, of course!   For karaoke, of course!

drink it down down down down down down down down down down down down down
unruly Hashers and obedient Virgins

It was the kind of Hash that makes you happy to be a part of the Hash family.  I, for one, am extremely grateful for such fine folk - it doesn't even matter that you're all sloppy slobbering alcohol abusers.  I love you anyway!

Next Hash #113 - Saturday 8th December

HASH NO: 113
NAME: "Downtown again hash"
DATE: Saturday 8th December
TIME: 4pm START (you need to arrive before this cause this is when we start the run)
PLACE: Lira 399, Santiago Centro

METRO: Santa Isabel or Santa Lucia
HOSTS: Just Carissa
HARES: Carissa
CO-HARE: ???

COST: $3.000
BRING: Meat/Salad/Booze to share for the after circle asado

Sunday 18 November 2012

Next Hash #112 - Saturday 24th Nov

HASH NO: 112
NAME: "Thanksgiving hash!"
DATE: Saturday 24th November
TIME: 4pm START (you need to arrive before this or you will end up running with your BBQ supplies on your back!)
PLACE: El Remanso 16140 (this is in El Arrayan, less than 10 minutes walk from Plaza San Enrique) Lo Barnachea

METRO: No Metro but see bus details below*
HOSTS: "Chilepollagol" and "Molposition"
HARES: “Cumming up for Air”
CO-HARE: Just Erika

COST: $3.000
BRING: Meat/Salad/Booze to share for the after circle asado.

Detailed instructions/directions to the location:
By public transport:*
From Escuela Militar there's an orange bus/micro 'C01 to Cerro 18'. Get out at Plaza San Enrique (this is at the complete end of Avenida Las Condes). From the Plaza it's a 10 minute walk. Across the square are taxi's and collectivos'. Taxis stop at our house for 800 per person and collectivos drop people for 450 pesos on the corner from our street with Pastor Fernandez (which is just a few meters from our house).
From the center people can also take a direct bus no. 409 en el Paradero 5/Estacion Mapocho (Busstop no. PA354) direccion Poniente. Get out at Plaza San Enrique (paradero Av. Las Condes/Raul Labbé (PC608)
By car:
drive to the end of Avenida Las Condes. Upon arriving at Plaza San Enrique and at the traffic lights: take the first street to the right, this street is called Pastor Fernandez. Continue Pastor Fernandez, across a bridge and you will pass a school on the left hand side. El Remanso is the first street to the left after the lomo de toro (speed bump) which is in front of the school.

Turning into El Remanso, our house is after about 500 meters to the right hand side, with a wooden gate, no. 16140.

Some parking on El Remanso but more on Pastor Fernandez near the school.

Sunday 11 November 2012

we make our OWN asado space

Yesterday was the 111th Hash at Parque Padre Hurtado in La Reina.  It was the best kind of day for Hashing: the sun was shining, the strange cotton-producing trees were shitting cotton balls all over the ground, and the quinchos were completely filled up by noon.  The recipe for a phenomenal Hash.

Seriously, what is going on with those trees?

Scrum On My Face and Easy As 123 set a decidedly shitty trail that skirted the park, venturing into the suburban areas of La Reina.  Despite a few erased markers, all our Hashers found their way back to the park in good time and in good cheer.

"This means 'bear' in sign language."

Scrum On My Face did a superb job filling in as Grand Master for Canuck Puck.  We had a very large and very disobedient number of virgins in the circle, playing pocket pool and eating chips.  But the Grand Master and Religious Adviser taught them a thing or two about circle disobedience with a number of down-downs.  We even forced a few Chilean onlookers (peeping Tomáses?) to take down-downs al seco in what Sump Pump declared to be "good marketing".  Assuming they understood what was going on.

"Pay a-fuckin-ttenion in my circle"

Flip flops and purple socks.  Virgins are the worst.

It's unclear what these hashers are doing. But I don't hate it.

It was also Kevin-the-Aussie's 5th Hash.  Name suggestions were plentiful - the RA had to poll the circle 3 times.  But finally "Cumming Up For Air" (a reference to his SCUBA days) met the approval of all.  He was baptized thoroughly with beer and flour, as is tradition.  It was only a pity he didn't have more hair to catch it all.

Cumming Up For Air, literally and figuratively...

As we had no quincho, French Polisher was kind enough to lug his grill all the way to the park and set up shop in the middle of the grass.  Mike-no-name brought a soccer ball, frisbee and football so that we could aprovechar the big open fields dotted with clusters of Chileans.  Finally at dark, we packed up and headed - still sweaty, floury and (some of us) dripping with beer - to Flannery's for a nightcap or 3.

Mighty Meaty

"Mom, I think I joined a color-coordinated fraternity..."

What a glorious Hash it was!  Our next gathering will fall on Thanksgiving Weekend, prompting this happy Hasher to think about what she's thankful for.

(Beer.  I'm thankful for beer.)

A great Link to a Halloween Tribute by Visiting Spy "Hole in None"


Monday 29 October 2012

Next Hash #111 - Saturday 10th Nov

NAME: #111 - lots of ones hash!
DATE: Saturday 10th November
HOST : Thong and Turn Me On
HARES: Easy as 1-2-3 and Scrum Breath
TIME : 4pm
ADDRESS: Parque Hurtado, Av. Francisco Bilbao,  La Reina  (meet at main gate)
METRO: Francisco Bilbao + local bus or walk
COST: 3.000 pesos + 500 park entrance fee.
BBQ : Yes, Bring something to cook for the Asado and a salad or dessert to share!
PARKING: Parking inside (for a fee) 

Back we go to our favourite park in Santiago (the only one you can drink in!).  Join us for a run around this leafy neighbourhood and an afternoon entertaining the other park goers with our songs!

A link to a great video made by visiting spy  Hole in None.


Tuesday 16 October 2012

Oktoberfest Hash Summed Up

It was a Hash weekend, and a long weekend, and a camping kind of weekend, which is the absolute best kind of weekend rolled into a burrito of awesome and served up hot.

The Hash headed south to Pirque courtesy of the new Tubinger Brewery and its generous owners for our Oktoberfest Hash, which was brimming with terrible German polka and German Hash hymns (complete with a German to teach us pronunciation).  The brewery is still only a skeleton sitting in the middle of a field, but that didn't stop us from tapping a keg of Tubinger for some of the most flavorful down-downs we've had to date.

Father Abraham.  We must have been on both arms and at least one leg...

The run was beautiful.  Despite some weather concerns, the Hash Gods delivered us a gorgeous sunny day.  We trekked through the scenic Santiago countryside, over some fences, down a dry riverbed, through some fields filled with orange flowers in full bloom.  Perhaps the only dark mark on an otherwise wonderful trail was the fact that the trail was practically nonexistent in parts!  Our hares used a light hand with the flour.  I'm all for a challenging route, but poor markers left the runners completely lost and calling for help.  The walkers arrived a full 45 minutes later than the runners.  Hell - one of the lost walkers was a hare herself!  Fear not, fellow Hashers, for the hares took their due down-downs.

During the circle we named the blonde and ambitious 4th grade teacher, Caitlin, "Lick and Learn".  Because we were camping, and because there were no showers, she was sprayed with silly string instead of the traditional flour, beer and egg.  She has reported nothing but delight at her new name. 

Lick n' Learn has a super mint name.

Then the asado began.  Food aplenty, but no plates!  Our Hashers got creative by using their cups, container tops, hands, and other flat accoutrements. The spread was even more delicious and plentiful than usual, and French Polisher even brought homemade sausages, sauerkraut and good brown mustard!

We lit a bonfire, hooked up some music, toasted marshmallows, played some flipcup, played some drunk-soccer, and generally enjoyed each other's company.  A few Hashers even ventured to a Little Dieciocho Fonda that is still operating down the road to drink terremotos, dance cueca, and generally be the obnoxious gringos that we are.

The campers finally retired only to be woken several times during the night by some F&!KING LOUD BIRDS (what WERE those things??) and the giggling of other Hashers in neighboring tents.  In the morning, Canuck Puck made a veritable feast of bacon and eggs to top off an excellent Hash.

In summation, the Oktoberfest Tubinger Camping Hash was a smashing success.  This happy Hasher proposes to keep camping in mind for another summer Hash soon!  In the meantime, prepare your costumes for the Halloween Hash in just a couple of weeks more.

Monday 15 October 2012

Next Hash #110 - Saturday 27th October

NAME: #110 - Halloween hash!
DATE: Saturday 27th October
HOST : Flannery's Carpark
HARES: Turtle Head  and Just Jason
TIME : 4pm 
ADDRESS: Economederos y Roger de Flor, Las Condes..
METRO: Tobalaba
COST: 3.000 pesos
BBQ : not this time
PARKING: street parking as the circle is in the carpark!

Halloween hash!  Get out your scary hash costumes and join the party! 

Monday 1 October 2012

Next Hash #109 - Saturday 13th October

NAME: #109 - Octoberfest hash!
DATE: Saturday 13th October
HOST : Mickey Gin
TIME : 4pm   (note 'summer' start time)
ADDRESS:  Parcela No 6, Camino Nueva, El Principal, Pirque, (100 metres from Corner of Calle Hernan Prieto) 
METRO: Plaza de Puente Alto
COST: 3.000 pesos
BBQ : Asado after the hash so bring something to cook and Salad or dessert to share
PARKING: on site

Detailed Directions:
Site has electricity and drinking water and plenty of room to camp and park on site.
Site Address: Parcela No 6, Camino Nueva, El Principal, Pirque, (100 metres from Corner of Calle Hernan Prieto).
In Pirque take Virginia Subercaseaux to Calle Hernan Prieto, stay on Hernan Prieto for 8 Km to arrive at corner of Calle Nueva/Hernan Prieto, just past road sign for Reserva Rio Clarillo. Site is 100 metres from corner on Calle Nueva. Photo of site entrance attached.
Other Options:
1. The Metro Bus passes within 100 Metres of the site, Nos 80 and 74 to Clarillo or Principal originating at Metro Station - Plaza de Puenta Alto. Get off at corner of Hernan Prieto/Calle Nueva. Estimate 45 Min bus ride from Metro Station!
2. Drive Option: TakeVespucio Sur to exit onAcceso Sur - sign for Rancagua (near Metro La Granja), This new motorway connects to 5 Sur near Angostura. Drive on motorway (Acceso Sur) to KM 18 - Rio Maipo. Exit just after crossing bridge and make a u turn under bridge and go straight to connect to Virginia Subercaseaux which connects to Hernan Prieto to arrive at site (details above)
On on. 

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Next Hash #108 - Saturday 29th September

NAME: #108 - Centro hash!
DATE: Saturday 29th September
HOST : Marianne and Nico.
HARES: French Polisher, Marianne, Nico et al
TIME : 4pm   (note 'summer' start time)
ADDRESS: Portugal 564
METRO: Santa Isabel
COST: 3.000 pesos
BBQ : Asado after the hash so bring something to cook and Salad or dessert to share
The hash returns to the beating heart of Santiago on the 29th for a jog with the street hounds  and scramble around the historic centro neighbourhood.  
On on. 

Thursday 6 September 2012

Hash # 107 - Saturday 15th September

NAME: #107 - Pre-fonda hash!
DATE: Saturday 15th September
HOST : Mc Salty Nuts.
HARES: Mc Salty, Easy as 1,2,3  Ladybug
TIME : 4pm   (note 'summer' start time)
ADDRESS: Los Militares 5150, Las Condes
METRO: Escuela Militar
COST: 3.000 pesos
BBQ : No bbq so bring some picnic style food (small oven available to heat things up)

We are bringing the hash back to Santiago for the Fiestas Patrias weekend to kick-off the weeklong party with a jolly jog around Las Condes before you start gorging yourselves on anticuchos and inhaling litres of chicha at the many fondas and fiestas around town.   So join us on the afternoon of the 15th for some healthy exercise so you can at least you can say you did ‘something healthy’ over the splendid dieciocho super-sandwich long weekend!
On on. 

Sunday 19 August 2012

Hash #106 - Saturday 1st September

NAME: #106 - No labor day in El Quisco!
DATE: Saturday 1st September
HOST : Sump Pump, Sewage.
HARES: Sump Pump and associates..
TIME : 2pm at El Quisco  (11am bus leaving SCL)
ADDRESS: 1459 Calle Penagris, El Quisco
METRO: not so much....but bus available
COST: 3.000 pesos + 8000 pesos if taking the bus
BBQ : Bring something to cook on the BBQ and a small salad or dessert
PARKING: street parking available.

The Santiago Hash makes a Spring return to the coast, for a little beach walk on the first day of spring! Plan on escaping the smog and spend the day soaking up some Spring sunshine!
The details are still being figured out, but sign up now for what is sure to be a memorable hash! This is what we know:
- The hash will be renting a bus, and seats will be available on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED basis. ALL SEATS MUST BE PREPAID, and there are NO REFUNDS on cancellations. We have to be strict on this, becuse we can't afford to lose money on the bus rentals! Details will follow once we have the price figured out, and we will provide a bank account for prepayments.
- Some people will be driving, there may be carpool seats available.
- If you want to make your own way to El Quisco, you can always take the Pullman or Tur-Bus to Algorrobo, and we can arrange picking you up at the bus station in Algorrobo. (Takes about 90 minutes each way).
The hash itself will cost 3000 pesos, and there will be an asado (and big party) afterwards. Plan on bringing some food to put on the asado, and a dish to share (a salad, a dessert, some snacks) would be appreciated. Don't worry about cutlery/dishes etc...

The Hash Bus will leave around 1100h in the morning, and leave El Quisco around 2000h. If you're making your own travel arrangements, there are always frequent Tur Bus/Pullman runs every day.
If you want to spend the weekend in El Quisco, you have a few options:
-Sump Pump has extra rooms at the house, which are not yet spoken for. Email him at santiagohashhouse@gmail.com
-The house NEXT to Sump Pump is available for short term rental, Email Sump Pump for details.
-There are cabanas in El Quisco, Sump Pump can give you some phone numbers.
On on!

Sunday 5 August 2012

Hash #105 - Saturday 18th August 2012

NAME: #105 - Soup hash.
DATE: Saturday 18th August
HOST : Ladybug, Dominasstrix, Full Service.
HARES: still twisting some arms there..
TIME : 2pm
ADDRESS: La Gioconda 4355, Las Condes
METRO: Escuela Militar
COST: 3.000 pesos
BBQ : No BBQ but hot soup provided by hosts...maybe bring a small salad or dessert
PARKING: On Calle La Gioconda or in the building visitors park.

Bringing the SHHH back to an old stomping ground at La Geoconda.  Won't be the same without The Deputy belting out the hash tunes but we will soldier on!
Details for the El Quisco hash on 1st September available shortly.

Sunday 22 July 2012

Hash # 104 - Saturday 4th August 2012

NAME:  #104 -   Blackrock  Olympics Bonanza
DATE:   Saturday 4th August
HOST : French Polisher
HARES: Fresh Polisher and cohorts.
TIME : really starts at 2pm this time so get yourselves there pronto!
ADDRESS: Av Providencia 2528, Local 42, Providencia (Between Holanda and Luis Thayer).
METRO:  Tobalaba – NW exit to Luis Thayer Ojeda Norte
COST:   3.000 pesos
BBQ : not this time! Great Fish and Chips are available at the pub though.
PARKING: paid parking in the surrounding streets and carparks.

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Next Hash #103 - Saturday 21st July

Name: #103 - La Floridia Fiesta
HOST : Prune and Carolina
HARES: Prune and Carolina.
TIME :  start running at 2pm

COST : 3000 pesos
ADRESS: Calle tres, parcela 72, Santa Sofía de lo Cañas, La Florida.
BBQ : yes! and fogata too, bring warm clothes and wine (even with a bonfire it is cold).

How to get there by car?

Take Tobalaba to the south until it ends, turn left by lo cañas (cross the channel San Carlos), then turn right by El Hualle (one long block), turn left by Avenida central (long street up hills), one small block after a second channel turn left by Bailahuén norte, at the end of the street you´ll find the guards and you´ll have to tell them that you are going to parcela 72 Maritza Díaz.
Turn right (up hills), on block later turn left and in the end of the road turn right, continue straight, up hills, you will cross a estuary (there is a speed bump or badén) , after this estuary you have to see the parcelas a right hand only (if you see the left hand you´ll get confused), aprox. the 5th parcela (plot) is number 72.

How to get there by colectivo? Two options.

Take metro línea 4 and get off in Vicuña Mackenna station, go by Julio Vildosola street (next to Tottus supermarket) go straight untill you find a traffic light (avenida Walker martínez), turn right, about 100 metres you´ll find the colectivos 3027 a Santa Sofía de lo cañas, parcela 72, cost $1.500 per person (maybe a bit more)

Take metro línea 5 and get off in Bellavista de La Florida station, walk down the south by Vicuña Mackemma street, cross avda Américo Vespucio and you will find a church (San Vicente de Paul), about 100 metres to the left of the church in avenida Walker Martínez you´ll find the colectivos 3027 a Santa Sofía de lo cañas, parcela 72. cost $1500 per person (maybe a bit more)

Cheers and OnOn.

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Next Hash #102 - Saturday 7th July

Name: #102 - "Manquehue Madness/Farewell to Deputy Dawg"
Location:  At the end of Via Roja, Vitacura/Santa Maria.
Start Point:
Metro: Escuela Militar Unimarc for carpool
Time: 2pm (hash starts at this time, need to be there ahead of time)
Date: Saturday July 7th
Host: "Deputy Dawg" & "Tax Free"
Hares: "Deputy Dawg" & "Tax Free"
Cost: -3,000 pesos for the Hash
Bring: Your good selves and a sense of humor (no BBQ after this one)

Circle and down-downs at the venue. No food.  Relocating to a restaurant or bar after the circle.

Dogs are allowed!

 How to get there:

 Coming from Providencia/Las Condes on Costanera Norte take off before roundabout Lo Curro Norte in the roundabout take exit Santa Maria when in Santa Maria a few hundred metres up the road take to the left in the traffic light into Gran Via follow this road and pass the entrance to Club Militar. After Club Militar first left into Via Roja. Here you find a manned gate. Follow Via Roja, lots of curves, until the end. At the end a parking lot where you will see the entrance to the path to Manquehue, and this is the venue.

Optional; Meetup at the Unimarc near Escuela Militar Metro for a car pool at 1pm.   Please RSVP if you have a car and will drive or need a lift so we have some idea of supply/demand.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Next Hash #101 - Saturday 23rd June

Name: #101 - "Giving Something Back - the Painting Hash"
Location: El Remanso 16140, Lo Barnachea
Start Point: Unimarc Escuela Militar
Metro: Escuela Militar and then Car Pool.
Time: 11.30 am
Date: Saturday June 23rd
Host: "Finger in the Dyke" and "Gata Blanca"
Hares:  "Sewage?"
Cost: -3,000 pesos for the Hash
Bring: Salad and something to cook on the BBQ
The Hash isn't just about drinking & running, sometimes we perform community service as well! That is exactly what we're going to do for the 101st Hash. We have identified a Girl's shelter home that is badly in need of renovations, and the Hash will be contributing elbow grease & decorating expertise as we repaint their facility!
Through clandestine fundraising, we’ve raised more than $500.000 CLP so now we can paint the rooms, buy new curtains and buy padlocks for the cupboards!  (Note – the donations were private donors, and NOT from Hash Cash!)
But we can´t paint the rooms without the help of the hashers so sign up!!!
This is what you can expect :
11.30 leaving Escuela Militar
12.15 Circle
13.00 Painting – total of 10 small rooms
14.30 Lunch provided by the Girl´s shelterhome
15.00 Back to painting
16.45 Cleaning up
17.00 Leave and meet up for Circle, Beer & BBQ, (Parrillada outside and tables inside)
19.30 (±) Back to Escuela Militar
Cars can be parked inside at Shelter Home and Restaurant
This is what you need to bring:
-     Clothes that can get dirty (we are painting with Latex on water base)
-     Meat for asado and food to share
-     A sense of humor
-     3000 Pesos Hash Cash
What are in need of :
-     Painting equipment:  Brushes, rollers, trays, drop sheets, newspapers – anything you have lying around from your last painting job
-  People to drive from Escuala Militar to the shelter location
-  Donations of ‘stuff’ if you have anything – a VHS recorder, movies, books, clothes – the girls are ages 6-17, so age-appropriate please.  J
-  People to help on Thursday the 21st with the preparation work (cleaning the walls, patching holes, moving furniture – making everything ready so ALL we have to do on Saturday is paint!)  This will be a smaller work crew of ‘pre-hashers’ but the more hands, the lighter the work!
Because of the organization involved, we are asking people to PRE-REGISTER if you’re attending. annettamariena@gmail.com  Please also let us know if you are bringing anything (painting equipment etc…) so we don’t overbuy.  Also please advise if you are going to be driving and have extra seats, if you need a seat in someone’s car, or if you’re making your own way.
If you can´t make it to the Escuela Militar here is the address:
Madreselvas 0131
Puente Alto
Vespucio Sur from the north:
Exit Los Torres
Keep left and First left (La Florida) Changes into Camilo Henriquez
After 12 km turn right at the Y curve to Eyzaguirre
Turn after 1 km at first left El Nogal (don´t go left again in this curve) ……..
1st turn left 27 de septiembre
After 15 blocks turn right at Madreselvas 0131.
Info Tel.nr 95185795
Host; Girls of the Shelter Home with the assistance of Gata Blanca, Sewage, Finger in the Dyke.

Sunday 27 May 2012

Next Hash #100!!! - Saturday 9th June

THE AMAZING RACE 100TH HASH!!!! Go for Gold!! Teams will navigate around Santiago in competition with other teams. Teams will travel by metro, bus, taxi, or foot (no cars, motos, horses or bikes allowed) taking about 4 hours in total time to finish The Amazing Race. The first to arrive at each Olympic ring stop will score points and attempt to complete various games and puzzles along the way for more points. Clues provided at each stop lead the teams to the next destination or ring. It will be fun!!  It will be a challenge!! Are you up for it??
The three teams that score the most points (not necessarily the first to finish) will be awarded the gold, silver and bronze medals. Let´s see how good your team is while having a blast!!  Award ceremony party and dinner party afterwards. Pay your own drinks after the awards circle. Due to logistics this is an adult event.
Time & Location to be on Saturday, June 9th:
·         Registration of teams and info: 12.30-13.00 at Los Dominicos (plaza at Municipal Office near Church)
·         Race Instructions: 13:00 to 13:30 and Race Starting Signal: 13.30hrs sharp. DO NOT BE LATE!!!
·         Awards: 18:00 at the Finish Line with Dinner & 100th Hash Party upstairs at Flanneries from 19:00 til …

·         Minimum of 4 People (a maximum of 10 teams will be formed)
·         Register a team or register as a single and we will form teams.
·         Teams will need many skills so it may help to have: walkers, runners, clever, fun, historic knowledge, general knowledge, Spanish speaking, brave, hungry and of course thirsty!!  Cellphones allowed!!

What to bring:
·         1 or 2 cameras and cell phones per team, Bip card or pocket money for transportation
·         Money for tasks and things on the way, water, etc.  Maximum of 5.000 CLP
·         Please do not bring unnecessary stuff, like handbags, jewelry, expensive watches, heaps of cash etc. as you will be travelling around including Centro! Comfortable shoes or sneakers!

·         Register Early – Number of teams & places are limited & late registrations are not guaranteed!
·         The Amazing Race is only 13.000CLP (Early Entry Price) for a Full Day & Night of Fun!
·         15.000 CLP Late Entry Price after June 4th -----   Party Only is 10.000 CLP
·         Includes: Race, Race Games, 2 Beer Stops, Special TShirt, Keg of Tubinger Beer for Awards Circle, Dinner Party with Burger Meal at Flanneries! (Drinks at dinner party extra)

If you want more information or to register for The Amazing Race 100th Hash contact: santiagohashhouse@gmail.com or dave.dicaire@ymail.com or annettamariena@gmail.com or oke.millett@gmail.com

Sunday 13 May 2012

Next Hash #99 - Saturday 26th May

Name: #99 - "Head for the hills"
Location:  El Remanso 16140, Lo Barnachea
Start Point:  As Above
Metro: Bus  C01or 409  to Plaza San Enrique...
Time: 2:00 pm 
Date: Saturday May 26th
Host: "Chilepollagol" and "Molposition"
Hares:  Canuk Puk and associates
Cost: -3,000 pesos for the Hash
Bring: Salad and something to cook on the BBQ

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Next Hash #98 - Saturday 12th May

Name: #98  Back to the Park!
Location:  Parque Padre Hurtado - http://www.lareina.cl/la_reina/turismo_parque.php
Start Point:  Outside park entrance at Bilbao con Dequeco
Metro: Francisco Bilbao then D08 Bus
Time: 2:00 pm (note early start as park closes at 6.30pm)
Date: Saturday  May 12th
Host: "Thong" and "Turn Me On"
Hares:  Lady Bug,  Just April and Just Katy
Cost: -3,000 pesos for the Hash
Bring:   Salad and something to cook on the BBQ

Monday 16 April 2012

Next Hash #97 - Saturday 28th April 2012

Name: #97   End of Daylight Saving Hash!
Location:  Blanco Encalada  1771, Near Arsenales de Guerra  (red fort)
Metro: Toesca  (Line 2)
Time: 3:00 pm 
Date: Saturday  April 28th
Host: Acting Seaman & Mariarchi Mansturbator
Hares: Acting Semen &  ????
Cost: -3,000 pesos for the Hash
Bring:   Salad and something to cook on the BBQ

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Next Hash #96 - Sunday 15th April 2012

Name:   #96   Casa Marin Wine Harvest Hash!
Location:  Casa Marin Winery, Camino Lo Abarca, San Antonio Valley (4km from the Pacific Ocean!) http://www.casamarin.cl/eng/app/home.php?tp=1
Transport: We are organising a bus. See details below.  Bus leaving Unimarc Escuela Militar at 11:00 am and departing from Casa Marin at 20:00 pm.
Time:  1:00 pm    Date:  Sunday April 15th
Host:  Hannes Herber, Finger in the Dyke
Hares:  Finger in the Dyke and Canuck Puck
Cost:    -3,000 pesos for the Hash
           -3,000 pesos for a mouthwatering BBQ ribs.  Bring a salad or something to share!
           -7,000 pesos for the bus
           -10,000 pesos for each bottle of souvenir stomped-with-your-own-feet wine to be delivered in December (This is Optional). 
                Casa Marin wine sells for much more than 10 luca in Unimarc, so it is a) a good deal and b) a great wine !!!
             -Sorry but no freebies for Vrigins or others this Hash!