Tuesday 14 May 2013

Eternally Grateful for the Invention of Dizzy Bat

Hello Hash Fam!  This past Saturday a bunch of you came out to Parque Padre Hurtado in La Reina for the 123rd Hash, which was less of a Hash and more of a beer obstacle course.

OrangeBob Stretchy Pants is ready to go

The first activity was a 3-legged race.  After our rousing warm up activity (which freaked the holy fuck out of the Chileans BBQing nearby), each Hasher found someone that they felt reasonably comfortable touching, and got taped up.

aaaaaand they're OFF!  It's My Lucky Day in front flanked by Majestic Mr. Rogers.  Giant Finish is creeping up from the rear, but Majestic Mr. Rogers has pulled ahead now! What a race ladies and gentlemen!

The inherent difficulty of a 3-legged race was compounded when each team realized that the masking tape wasn't holding!  Three legs were becoming four!  There was some serious "Little Mermaid" style leg duplication that we had going there.

all the talent.

Then our Hashers jogged a lap around the park, past the horses, through the amphitheater, through the woods, and back around for... FLIP CUP.  We have no pictures of flip cup.   Here are some images instead...

The final lap was marked with a Dizzy Bat competition.  For those of you who have never played Dizzy Bat (a surprisingly large number of you!) this is how you play:

1. chug a beer
2. put your head on a bat and spin around


she's a dizzy bat unicorn


4. Run a short distance and try not to fall*.  


Finally everyone collapsed into the grass, sweaty and a little vomity, and ready for the circle.  As it was Canuck Puck's last Santiago hash for a while, he was Religious Adviser.  He was even presented a special, customized shirt to commemorate his time Hashing here in Santiago.   French Polisher served as the Grand Master.

hot Canadian bacon

He looks less like a parrot and more like...

...a Canadian Goose.

The circle was pretty good.  The virgins were well-behaved, and all accused parties took their downdowns like champs.

YOU add a caption

Songstress Texas Hornstar is killin it on the closing hymn.

Finally, the time came to name a dear friend and fellow hasher, Ms. Fabiola.  Welcome to the Hash Family Shuttercock.

I feel like she's done this before.  It looks so natural.
takin it like a pro

After the asado, the night ended at Flannery's (as per usual) where we ate, drank and were merry.  The entire upstairs was reserved for Canuck Puck's despedida, but a rag tag group of karaoke-loving exchange students crashed the party too.

We will miss you Dave! 

*very difficult 

Sunday 12 May 2013

A message and a Movie from a former hasher!

"Back in January 2010 we were filming a documentary travel series and stopped in Santiago to participate in a Hash. This experience and the interviews we conducted with the Santiago H3 members is now part of episode 10 of the Rather Odd Journey. The series is about alternative concepts of travel explored on a journey from Antarctica to the Arctic through the Americas. It has now been released via the Internet and hopefully is able to generate some revenue for a Sloth Sanctuary in Costa Rica, a Foundation for Underprivileged Kids in Bogota and/or future projects. Episode 10 includes a few flashbacks looking at some of the travel concepts not covered in the other episodes (including HHH).
You can also keep tabs on any updates regarding additional material by following the Rather Odd Journey facebook page:
It would be appreciated if you could forward this onto your fellow hashers, especially those that are in it. I hope you enjoy the episode and maybe even the entire journey.
On on.


Sunday 21 April 2013

I'll call this post "A Pleasant Vineyard Hash"

...even though our trip to Casa Marin last Saturday was the biggest shitshow I've seen in recent history.

But I'll get to that.  Let's start at the beginning. We met at Flannery's and climbed on buses.

Dave tricked Martin into getting on the bus too. 

Then French Polisher yelled at us for a while.

"I am important!  I have a microphone and a clipboard!"

Then we got to the Casa Marin winery - which is absolutely beautiful.  Just goddamn beautiful.  It reeks of craftsmanship, and patience, and the attention to detail that you'd need to make great wine.  We were completely out of place.

Then we ran a little bit.  Sewage set the 2km run, which looped around the vineyard once for the walkers, twice for the runners.  

so fucking gorgeous it's disgusting

And then we picked grapes for a little bit.

well...mostly grapes...

If it can't be done with a beer in your hand, it's not worth doing.

action, adventure, stooped posture!

o hai

this is terrifying.

Little known fact: vineyards are where the popular trend "twerking" originated.

best day of her life.

This guy.  Man, he popped up everywhere.  You're picking grapes and all of a sudden BAM.  Camera to the FACE.

And then we took a group picture in a pricker bush.

Our hosts at Casa Marin were kind enough to treat us to a wine tasting.  I don't typically like white wine, but that Sauvinon Blanc they gave us was the tits.

"No ma'am, you can't have the rest of the bottle."

Finally we circled up.  It was a big circle, and a disorganized circle.  60 people + approximately 30 virgins + disobedient hashers + lots of wine and beer before the circle = one big mess.

Most of the Casa Marin promotional footage will need to be used without audio, due to how many times Sump Pump screamed, "shut the fuck UP!"

notice: a) blatant alcohol abuse and b) blatant abuse of hat fashion.

"Now, I'm not saying Hitler was a good guy, but I did admire his hand gestures."

Dave likes his women the way he likes his grapes: by the bucket.

I'm fairly certain Mariachi Mansturbator did not agree to be put in the bucket.

We named these three people.

Muffler Sucker, German Penetrator and Quarter Bouncer.  Welcome to this dysfunctional family. 

Things started devolving.  

SO Annette called us over to eat.  

We finished up the night schwasted, full of meat, covered in grapes, and happy.  Many many thanks to Casa Marin for hosting us, feeding us, and getting us drunk on some of the best wine in Chile.  

Saturday 20 April 2013

Next Hash #122 Saturday 27th April

NAME: #122 - The extra hour sleep Hash
HOST : Bi-Weekly Deposit
HARES:Easy as 1-2-3 and amigos/as
TIME: running starts at 2pm. (note early start!)
ADDRESS:Simon Bolivar 5441 NuƱoa (it is house, not apartment)
BBQ : yes! Bring some food and extra drinks for when the hash beer runs out!
Cost : 3 luca for the hash
Metro : Simon Bolivar.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

St. Patty's Day Hash

I would like to share with all of you an old Irish saying:

There are many good reasons for drinking,
One has just entered my head.
If a man doesn't drink when he's living,
How in the hell can he drink when he's dead?

This motto was one taken quite seriously by the Hash Fam this past Saturday at Hash #120: The St. Patrick's Day Hash.  Our favorite Irish pub Flannery's hosted us in a large (and rather elegant) green tent; a place we've formerly called, "that gross parking lot out back".  Really, an incredible transformation.

An extra 3 luca got us an awesome green t-shirt.

Casual Leprechaun is casual.

Jig time, time for jigging.

We were lost within the first 30 seconds. 

Michael has a rare disease in which he gets double arm-boners at the sight of a camera.

Once back on track, the green-garbed gang enjoyed a shitty shady jaunt through the rural areas of Providencia and Las Condes.  Hares Scrum On My Face and French Polisher even marked the trail with green chalk - just in case you were running along, having come from your local Irish pub, wearing your green shirt and your green accessories, thinking to yourself, "man, what day is it?"  You could look down, see some green flour, and HOLY HELL IT'S ST. PATRICK'S DAY I FORGOT.

The Bouncing Boobie Brigade

Upon entering a park, the Hashers were greeted with a rare treat - green and orange jello shots!!!  Seriously Mark and Nora, bravoo.  

"hooray for jello shots!" said the crowd.
"I never learned to center a photo!" said the photographer.

Back at Flan's, we had two glorious kegs to drain.  A drop or two of food coloring made the beer even more festive, and turned everyone's mouths a disgusting shade of crack-addict-that-gave-up-dental-hygiene green.  

The circle was surprisingly succinct this week.  All namings were postponed until the next hash, so as to keep the Flannery's artificial grass looking artificial and non-flour-y.  But look how many people came!

such eager little meercats

 Then the post-Hash shenanigans began.

Dick-with-a-'stache.  Someone call Andy Samberg. 

Hot girls always bend over in photos.

The fact that you don't understand static electricity is really working against you here, dog.

Hey, Dick-with-a-'stache is catching on!!!  

"Ima slobber yo face"
St. Patty's Day is badass.  Pirates are badass.  Therefore, by transitive property, Jack Sparrow is not out of place.

Finally, in addition to the regular Hash ridiculousness, we elected our new Mismanagement Committee for the 2013-2014 season.  Here they are folks...

If anyone wants Hasher Dashery, uh...do that shit.  Also send Jessica Fryman or myself your pics from the Hash if you want them to be included here.  

Ok guys and gals, see you next time.  ON ON!